Security Advisory Affecting Exchange: 2749655

Today Microsoft released Security Advisory 2749655, Compatibility Issues Affecting Signed Microsoft Binaries. I encourage you to read the security advisory. We also saw that Exchange team post the following blog entry Re-released Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007 update rollups. Microsoft re-released the rollups in order to ensure that third party programs are not impacted by the security advisory.

That is, Microsoft re-released the updates as a pre-emptive measure – just in case.

If you have installed the security advisory, you really don't need to re-install the updates. Quoting from the security advisory:

What does this update do?
This update will help to ensure the continued functionality of all software that was signed with a specific certificate that did not use a timestamp Enhanced Key Usage (EKU) extension. To extend their functionality, WinVerifyTrust will ignore the lack of a timestamp EKU for these specific X.509 signatures.

Note regarding the impact of not installing a rereleased update
Customers who installed the original updates are protected from the vulnerabilities addressed by the updates. However, because improperly signed files, such as executable images, would not be considered correctly signed after the expiration of the CodeSign certificate used in the signing process of the original updates, Microsoft Update may not install some security updates after the expiration date. Other effects include, for example, that an application installer may display an error message. Third-party application whitelisting solutions may also be impacted. Installing the rereleased updates remediates the issue for the affected updates.

Long story short – Microsoft has released the updates "just in case".

Given that Exchange 2010 SP2 Update Rollups can take upwards of an hour to install and your Exchange server is offline while you doing the installation – you may just want to wait for the next UR.

Please note: the Exchange 2010 SP2 UR4 re-release does include one new patch. You can install that separately in a very short timeframe: Outlook only returns one result after you click the "Your search returned a large number of results. Narrow your search, or click here to view all results" message.


Microsoft Security Advisory 2737111 – Exchange 2007/2010/2013

Well, in case you haven’t seen it, an Exchange Security advisory was released today.

“Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint Parsing Could Allow Remote Code Execution”

And yes, it also affects the Exchange 2013 Preview.

It wasn’t immediately obvious to me, but every Exchange CAS/CAFE has these libraries installed. Microsoft licenses them from Oracle.

I’m guessing that that will change the workaround to:

Get-OwaVirtualDirectory |? {
$_.OwaVersion -eq ‘Exchange2007’ -or $_.OwaVersion -eq ‘Exchange2010’ –or $_.OwaVersion –eq ‘Exchange2013’ } |
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -WebReadyDocumentViewingOnPublicComputersEnabled:$False `

But I’m on the road and don’t have access to my E15 test lab at the moment…

Thanks to Susan Bradley, the SBS Diva, for pointing out to me that this doesn’t require third party add-ins.


More information:

“In Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010, Outlook Web App (OWA) users are provided with a feature called WebReady Document Viewing that allows users to view certain attachments as a web page instead of relying on local applications to open/view it. Oracle Outside In is used by the conversion process in the server backend to support the WebReady feature. Microsoft licenses this library from Oracle.”

In the Exchange Server 2007/2010 scenario, the conversion process that uses Oracle Outside In, TranscodingService.exe, runs as LocalService.


Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that the public betas of all the Wave 15 products, including Office, Exchange, Lync, SharePoint, etc. were released earlier this week as "2013" products. These were all released on Monday July 16, 2012. This follows by a couple of weeks the "release previews" of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

You can download the Exchange Server 2013 public beta/preview here.

In the original release, it was not supported to install the Exchange preview on the Server 2012 preview. Today, Microsoft has changed that guidance and now supports installing Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012.

At this time, it requires a couple of additional manual steps. You can find information about how to install Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012 here.

We can reasonably expect that this will be cleaned up before RTM.


Bit Shifting in PowerShell, Redux

I do bit shifting in PowerShell all the time. It's quite necessary when you are working with option values in Active Directory, WMI, and various Win32 interfaces. .NET tends to use enumerations, which are tad easier to deal with in PowerShell.

I had never felt it necessary to break my routines out before, but I saw a posting on this topic by another individual today and I just thought he was making it harder than it had to be. I wanted to present another option to the community for these types of routines. I'm not putting down his work in any way – it was quite ingenious. I never would've thought of doing it that way.

Just FYI, 'shr' is an abbreviation for 'shift right' and correspondingly 'shl' is an abbreviation for 'shift left'. When I was in college (in the stone age) those function names were used in "Pascal extension libraries" and in "Fortran libraries" for performing shift operations. Shift operations are built-in as native operations to many (most?) compiled languages such as C and its various dialects.


### Bit-shift operations
### bit-shift.ps1
### for bytes and short integers
### Michael B. Smith
### michael at
### May, 2012

$bitsPerByte = 8	## [byte]
$bitsperWord = 16	## [int16] or [uint16]

function shift-left( [int]$valuesize, [int]$mask, $val, [int]$bits )
	if( $bits -ge $valuesize )
		return 0
	if( $bits -eq 0 )
		return $val
	if( $bits -lt 0 )
		write-error "Can't shift by a negative value of bits"
		return -1

	### it's possible to write this so that you never
	### overshift and generate an overflow. it's easier
	### to use a larger variable and mask at the end.

	[int]$result = $val
	for( $i = 0; $i -lt $bits; $i++ )
		$result *= 2

	return ( $result -band $mask )

function shift-right( [int]$valuesize, [int]$mask, $val, [int]$bits )
	if( $bits -ge $valuesize )
		return 0
	if( $bits -eq 0 )
		return $val
	if( $bits -lt 0 )
		write-error "Can't shift by a negative value of bits"
		return -1

	for( $i = 0; $i -lt $bits; $i++ )
		## normally PowerShell does banker's rounding (well, .NET does)
		## we have to override that here to get true integer division.
		$val = [Math]::Floor( $val / 2 )

	return $val

function shl-byte( [byte]$val, [int]$bits )
	$result = shift-left $bitsPerByte 0xff $val $bits
	if( $result -lt 0 )
		return $result

	return ( [byte]$result )

function shr-byte( [byte]$val, [int]$bits )
	$result = shift-right $bitsPerByte 0xff $val $bits
	if( $result -lt 0 )
		return $result

	return ( [byte]$result )

function shl-word( [uint16]$val, [int]$bits )
	$result = shift-left $bitsPerWord 0xffff $val $bits
	if( $result -lt 0 )
		return $result

	return ( [uint16]$result )

function shr-word( [uint16]$val, [int]$bits )
	$result = shift-right $bitsPerWord 0xffff $val $bits
	if( $result -lt 0 )
		return $result

	return ( [uint16]$result )

function shl( $val, [int]$bits )
	if( $val -is [byte] )
		return ( shl-byte $val $bits )
	elseif( $val -is [int16] )
		return [int16]( shl-word $val $bits )
	elseif( $val -is [uint16] )
		return ( shl-word $val $bits )
	elseif( ( $val -lt 65536 ) -and ( $val -ge 0 ) ) ### pretend it's uint16
		return ( shl-word ( [uint16]$val ) $bits )

	write-error "value is an invalid type"
	return -1

function shr( $val, [int]$bits )
	if( $val -is [byte] )
		return ( shr-byte $val $bits )
	elseif( $val -is [int16] )
		return [int16]( shr-word $val $bits )
	elseif( $val -is [uint16] )
		return ( shr-word $val $bits )
	elseif( ( $val -lt 65536 ) -and ( $val -ge 0 ) ) ### pretend it's uint16
		return ( shr-word ( [uint16]$val ) $bits )

	write-error "value is an invalid type"
	return -1


DPM 2010 Backing Up SQL 2012

I can't speak as to whether this is supported or not, but if you want DPM 2010 to be able to back up a SQL 2012 database instance, then you need to make a simple security change. Otherwise, DPM 2010 reports that "The replica is not consistent."

In words, NT AUTHORITY\System must be granted Sysadmin permissions on the database instance. NT AUTHORITY\System, by default, has public permissions on the instance in SQL 2012. However, in earlier versions of SQL, NT AUTHORITY\System has Sysadmin permissions at installation.

Below, the first figure identifies the specific login in the SQL Server Management Studio that has to be modified. The second figure identifies the box that needs to be checked. After checking the box, click OK to commit the change.

After this, you can open the DPM Console and for all of those SQL 2012 databases that are not consistent, go to the Protection workspace, right-click on the database(s), and then click on "Perform Consistency Check".

Figure 1 – The NT AUTHORITY\System login

Figure 2 – Setting the Sysadmin Server Instance Role


Processing Large and Embedded Groups in PowerShell

I'm working with a client that has – over an extended period of time – accumulated thousands of security groups, most of which are mail enabled for use by both Exchange and for setting rights on various objects.

Becasue they use embedded groups (that is, placing a group as a member of another group), they have a horrible time keeping straight who is actually a member of those groups.

Recently an unintentional disclosure at the client has caused them to desire to clean this mess up. 🙂

They found that many tools weren't robust enough to deal with their environment. Their groups may contain thousands of members and dozens of embedded groups. And sometimes, the groups are recursive (or nested). That is, GroupA includes GroupB, GroupB includes GroupC, and GroupC includes GroupA. Also, due to historial reasons, many of their users have non-standard primary group memberships and those needed to also be included as part of the evaluation process.

Note: be aware – most tools will only return 1,500 members for a group (1,000 if your FFL is Windows 2000 mixed or Windows 2000 native). This includes most tools from Microsoft (e.g., dsquery and dsgroup). Some of the tools that handle that properly will go into an infinite loop if there are nested groups. Since the primary group is stored differently than other group memberships, most tools simply ignore it (the RID of the group is stored in the primaryGroupId attribute of a user object, instead of using a memberOf backlink or the member attribute forward link from the group itself).

We were unable to find a tool (which doesn't mean one isn't out there!) that handled all of these issues properly.

So, I wrote one. In PowerShell.

Note that performance is not great when you are scanning nested groups. This is because it is necessary to evaluate every member to determine the type of the member – user, group, contact, etc. That adds significant additional processing overhead.

Each individual piece of this script is pretty obvious (except for the "range" processing required for looking at large group memberships). But after putting it all together, it's a thing of magic. 🙂


### Get-GroupMember
### This function processes LARGE groups. Most normal utilities are limited
### to returning a maximum of 1,500 members for a group. To get all members
### of a group requires using a "ranged" member attribute. Few programs,
### including many from Microsoft, go to that much trouble. This one does.
### Also, retrieving membership from embedded groups, while avoiding the
### problems that can occur with group recursion, is something that many
### programs do not handle properly. This one does.
### Also, some programs do not handle empty groups properly (including the 
### example range program on MSDN from Microsoft). This one does.
### Also, some programs do not also check for the primaryGroupID membership, 
### and thus cannot return the membership of, for example, 'Domain Users'. 
### This one does.
### The ADSpath for each member of the group is written to the pipeline.
### Michael B. Smith
### michael at TheEssentialExchange dot come
### May, 2012
### Parameters:
###	-group 			The short name for the group. This is looked
###				up to find the distinguishedName of the group.
###	-ExpandEmbeddedGroups	Whether to recurse and get the membership of
###				groups contained within the parent group. If
###				this option is specified, all embedded groups
###				are scanned (including groups embedded within
###				groups embedded within groups,etc. etc.).
###	-Verbose		Display to the host function entry/exit and
###				status information.
###	-VeryVerbose		Display to the host the ADSpath of each member
###				of the group (as well as write it to the pipe).
###	-Statistics		Display to the host some basic statistics about
###				the query (number of users, number of embedded
###				groups, number of contacts).

	[string]$group	= (throw "group must be specified"),

### for the Statistics option

$script:groupUsers    = 0
$script:groupGroups   = 0
$script:groupContacts = 0

function msg
	if( -not $Verbose )

	$str = ''
	foreach( $arg in $args )
		$str += $arg
	write-host $str

function vmsg
	if( -not $VeryVerbose )
	msg $args

function Get-PrimaryGroupID

	msg "${indent}Get-PrimaryGroupId: enter, ADSpath = $adspath"

	[string]$pgToken = 'primaryGroupToken'

	### format of argument: LDAP://CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=smithcons,DC=local

	$groupDE  = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry( $ADSpath )
	$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher( $groupDE )
	$searcher.Filter = "(objectClass=*)"

	$searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add( $pgToken ) | Out-Null

	$result = $searcher.FindOne()
	if( $result -ne $null )
		if( $result.Properties.Contains( $pgToken ) -eq $true )
			msg "${indent}Get-PrimaryGroupId: exit, token = $($result.Properties.primarygrouptoken)"

			return $result.Properties.primarygrouptoken

	msg "${indent}Get-PrimaryGroupId: exit, token not found"
	return 0

function Search-PrimaryGroupID

	msg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupId: enter, namingcontext = '$namingContext', primaryGroup = $primaryGroup"

	$ldapFilter = "(primaryGroupID=$primaryGroup)"

	$directorySearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
	$directorySearcher.PageSize    = 1000
	$directorySearcher.SearchRoot  = ( "LDAP://" + $namingContext )
	$directorySearcher.SearchScope = "subtree"
	$directorySearcher.Filter      = $ldapFilter

	### load the properties we want

	$directorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add( "distinguishedName" ) | Out-Null
	$directorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add( "objectClass" )       | Out-Null

	$results = $directorySearcher.FindAll()
	if( $results -ne $null )
		msg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupId: found $($results.Count) results"
		foreach( $result in $results )
			$myadspath   = $result.Path
			$objCount    = $result.Properties.objectclass.count
			$objectClass = $result.Properties.objectclass[ $objCount - 1 ]

			if( $objectClass -eq 'user' )
				if( $dictionary.$myadspath -eq 1 )
					msg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupID: continue duplicate user"
				$dictionary.$myadspath = 1
				write-output $myadspath
				vmsg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupId: $myadspath"
				write-error "Invalid objectclass for primarygroupid: $objectClass"
		msg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupID: result from FindAll() was null"

	msg "${indent}Search-PrimaryGroupId: exit"

function Search-Group

	### based originally on
	### but has bug-fixes and enhancements

	msg "${indent}Search-Group: enter, $ADSpath"

	$groupDE  = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry( $ADSpath )
	$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher( $groupDE )
	$searcher.Filter = "(objectClass=*)"

	[bool]$lastLoop = $false
	[bool]$quitLoop = $false

	[int]$step = 999
	[int]$low  = 0
	[int]$high = $step

	do {
		if( $lastLoop -eq $false )
			[string]$member = 'member;range=' + $low.ToString() + '-' + $high.ToString()
			[string]$member = 'member;range=' + $low.ToString() + '-' + '*'
		msg "${indent}Search-Group: member = $member"

		$searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Clear()        | Out-Null
		$searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add( $member ) | Out-Null

		$result = $searcher.FindOne()
		if( $result -eq $null )
			### not sure what to do here
			msg "${indent}Search-Group: searcher failure"

		if( $result.Properties.Contains( $member ) -eq $true )
			$entries = $result.Properties.$member
			msg "${indent}Search-Group: entries.Count = $($entries.Count)"
			foreach( $entry in $entries )
				if( $ExpandEmbeddedGroups )
					$memberObj   = [ADSI] "LDAP://$entry"
					$objectClass = $memberObj.objectClass.Item( $memberObj.objectClass.Count - 1 )
					$myadspath   = $memberObj.Path
					$memberObj   = $null
					$myadspath   = $entry
					$objectClass = 'user'
				write-output $myadspath ### output to pipeline

				switch( $objectClass )
							if( $dictionary.$myadspath -eq 1 )
								msg "${indent}Search-Group: continue duplicate group"
							$dictionary.$myadspath = 1
							vmsg "${indent}Search-Group: group $myadspath"
							Search-Group ( $indent + '  ' ) $myadspath $dictionary
							if( $dictionary.$myadspath -eq 1 )
								msg "${indent}Search-Group: continue duplicate contact"
							$dictionary.$myadspath = 1
							vmsg "${indent}Search-Group: contact $myadspath"
							if( $dictionary.$myadspath -eq 1 )
								msg "${indent}Search-Group: continue duplicate user"
							$dictionary.$myadspath = 1
							vmsg "${indent}Search-Group: user $myadspath"
							### do nothing
							write-error "Search-Group: unhandled objectClass as member of group: $objectClass"

			### could just say: $quitLoop = $lastLoop
			### but it's not a worthwhile optimization
			### (due to a loss of clarity in WHY)

			if( $lastLoop -eq $true )
				msg "${indent}Search-Group: set quitLoop = true"
				$quitLoop = $true
			if( $lastLoop -eq $true )
				msg "${indent}Search-Group: set quitLoop = true"
				$quitLoop = $true
				msg "${indent}Search-Group: set lastLoop = true"
				$lastLoop = $true

		if( $lastLoop -eq $false )
			msg "${indent}Search-Group: old low = $low, old high = $high"
			$low  = $high + 1
			$high = $low  + $step
			msg "${indent}Search-Group: new low = $low, new high = $high"

	} until( $quitLoop -eq $true )

	$object   = $null
	$searcher = $null
	$groupDE  = $null

	$primaryID = Get-PrimaryGroupId $indent $ADSpath
	if( $primaryID -gt 0 )
		Search-PrimaryGroupId $indent $script:defaultNC $primaryId $dictionary

	msg "${indent}Search-Group: exit, $ADSpath"

function Search-ADForGroup

	msg "${indent}Search-ADForGroup: enter, group = $group"

	### build the LDAP search to find the group distinguishedName from the provided short name

	$rootDSE    = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"
	$defaultNC  = $rootDSE.defaultNamingContext
	$ldapFilter = "(&(objectCategory=group)(name=$group))"
	$rootDSE    = $null

	$directorySearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
	$directorySearcher.PageSize    = 1000
	$directorySearcher.SearchRoot  = ( "LDAP://" + $defaultNC )
	$directorySearcher.SearchScope = "subtree"
	$directorySearcher.Filter      = $ldapFilter

	### Define the property we want (if we don't specify at least one property,
	### then "all default properties" get loaded - that's slower).

	$directorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add( "distinguishedName"  ) | Out-Null

	$groups = $directorySearcher.FindAll()
	if( $groups -eq $null )
		write-error "Search-ADForGroup: No such group found: $group"
	elseif( $groups.Count -eq 1 )
		$script:defaultNC = $defaultNC
		msg "${indent}Search-ADForGroup: exit, $($groups.Item( 0 ).Path)"

		return $groups.Item( 0 ).Path ### same as ADSpath in VBScript
		write-error "Search-ADForGroup: Multiple groups were found that match: $group"

	msg "${indent}Search-ADForGroup: exit, null"
	return $null

	### Main

	if( $VeryVerbose )
		$Verbose = $true

	$result = Search-ADForGroup '' $group
	if( $result -ne $null )
		$dictionary = @{}

		Search-Group '' $result $dictionary

		if( $Statistics )
			write-host " "
			write-host "Users: $($script:groupUsers)"
			write-host "Groups: $($script:groupGroups)"
			write-host "Contacts: $($script:groupContacts)"

		$dictionary = $null


Creating Lots of Exchange Mailboxes for Testing Purposes

I'm in the process of developing a large new script and to test it properly, I needed to create several thousand new users with mailboxes. While I've previously written scripts like this for Exchange 2003, I didn't have one handy for Exchange 2007 and later.

So I whipped one up and decided to share! As you can probably tell, this script will create, by default, 6,000 users and mailboxes. You do have to tell it the password to assign, and you should change the $upnDomain to be a proper choice for your environment.


	[int]$minValue =    1,
	[int]$maxValue = 6000,
	[string]$upnDomain = 'smithcons.local'

$password = ( get-credential UserName-Not-Important ).password

for( $i = $minValue; $i -le $maxValue; $i++ )
	$user = "User" + $i.ToString()
	New-Mailbox $user `
		-alias $user `
		-userprincipalname ( $user + '@' + $upnDomain ) `
		-samaccountname $user `
		-firstname $user `
		-lastname $user `
		-password $password



How to Make Your PowerShell Session into an Exchange Management Shell

In my last blog post, Determining the Exchange Version Without Using Get-ExchangeServer,I showed how to read the Exchange version from the registry. Shortly after posting that, the questions began to roll in about "how to make my PowerShell session behave like the Exchange Management Shell".

Well, it's pretty easy.

In the New-ExchangeConnection function, I use "dot-sourcing" to minimize the work. When you dot-source something, it means you are basically including the contents of the file into YOUR file, at that location. So, I use the same setup that EMS uses; just changed to work on the proper version of Exchange, plus the little extra magic that usually happens behind the scenes, but doesn't because it's happening in my script instead of in the "real" EMS.

So here it is!

### New-ExchangeConnection
### Create a connection to an Exchange server, in a version
### appropriate way.

function New-ExchangeConnection
	### Load the versioning function

	. .\Get-ExchangeVersion.ps1

	$exchangeVersion = Get-ExchangeVersion
	if( $exchangeVersion )
		switch ( $exchangeVersion.Version )
					### This first segment is handled by a PSConsole file in EMS itself
					Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -EA 0
					if ($?)
						## snap-in already loaded, do nothing
						Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin

					### This line makes the rest of the magic happen
					. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1'

					return 1
					### with the advent of remote PowerShell in E14, almost all
					### of the magic gets hidden
					$credential = $null
					$global:remoteSession = $null
					. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
					Connect-ExchangeServer -auto

					return 1
					write-error "Unsupported version $($exchangeVersion.Version)"
					return 0

	write-error "This is not an Exchange server"
	return 0


Determining the Exchange Version – without using Get-ExchangeServer

If you write lots of Exchange scripts (as I do), and have several different versions of Exchange on which you need to run those scripts (as I do); you soon see the need for being able to determine what version of Exchange a particular server is running – and you may need to do this outside of the Exchange Management Shell.

This may be necessary because of different behaviors that are required with the Exchange Management Shell depending on the version of Exchange. It also may be required because the version of Exchange pre-dates the Exchange Management Shell (i.e., Exchange 2003). As an additional rationale, your script may need to load the Exchange Management Shell and cannot do that properly without knowing the version of Exchange that is being targeted (the process differs between Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010).

Thus, I've written a couple of functions that I wrap in a script to give me that information. Get-ExchangeServer, the function, returns a simple object containing the name of the server examined, plus the version of Exchange that is running on that server. That is:

struct result {

string Name;

string Version;


If the result of the function is $null, then the version could not be determined and the server targeted either does not exist or is (very likely) not running Exchange. If the server does not exist (or the firewall on the server prevents remote management via WMI) then an error is displayed.

The version information about Exchange is stored in the registry of each Exchange server. The script below shows some techniques for accessing the registry to obtain string (reg_sz) and short integer (reg_dword) values while using PowerShell. Note that PowerShell has multiple mechanisms for accessing this information, including the so-called Registry Provider. I personally find using the WMI functions to be a bit easier to handle.

You can include these functions directly into your PowerShell profile, or you can dot-source the function on an as-needed basis.

Without further ado, enjoy!

### Get-ExchangeVersion
### Return the version of the specified Exchange server

Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0

$HKCR = 2147483648
$HKCU = 2147483649
$HKLM = 2147483650

function RegRead
		[int64] $hive,
		[ref]   $value,
		[string]$type = 'reg_sz'

	try {
		$wmi = [wmiclass]"\\$computer\root\default:StdRegProv"
		if( $wmi -eq $null )
			return 1
	catch {
		write-error "Could not open WMI access to $computer"
		return 1

	switch ( $type )
				$r = $wmi.GetStringValue( $hive, $keyName, $valueName )
				$value.Value = $r.sValue
				$r = $wmi.GetDWORDValue( $hive, $keyName, $valueName )
				$value.Value = $r.uValue
				write-error "Unsupported type: $type"

	$wmi = $null

	return $r.ReturnValue

function Get-ExchangeVersion
		[string]$computer = '.'

	if( $computer -eq '.' )
		$computer = $env:ComputerName

	## Exchange vNext (assumption!)
	## HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup
	## MsiProductMajor (DWORD 15)

	## Exchange 2010
	## HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup
	## MsiProductMajor (DWORD 14)

	## Exchange 2007
	## HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup
	## MsiProductMajor (DWORD 8)

	## Exchange 2003
	## HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup
	## Services Version (DWORD 65)

	$v = 0

	$i = RegRead $computer $HKLM 'Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup' 'MsiProductMajor' ( [ref] $v ) 'reg_dword'
	if( ( $i -eq 0 ) -and ( $v -eq 15 ) )
		$obj = "" | Select Name, Version
		$obj.Name = $computer
		$obj.Version = 'vNext'
		return $obj

	$i = RegRead $computer $HKLM 'Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup' 'MsiProductMajor' ( [ref] $v ) 'reg_dword'
	if( ( $i -eq 0 ) -and ( $v -eq 14 ) )
		$obj = "" | Select Name, Version
		$obj.Name = $computer
		$obj.Version = '2010'
		return $obj

	$i = RegRead $computer $HKLM 'Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup' 'MsiProductMajor' ( [ref] $v ) 'reg_dword'
	if( ( $i -eq 0 ) -and ( $v -eq 8 ) )
		$obj = "" | Select Name, Version
		$obj.Name = $computer
		$obj.Version = '2007'
		return $obj

	$i = RegRead $computer $HKLM 'Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup' 'Services Version' ( [ref] $v ) 'reg_dword'
	if( ( $i -eq 0 ) -and ( $v -eq 65 ) )
		$obj = "" | Select Name, Version
		$obj.Name = $computer
		$obj.Version = '2003'
		return $obj

	### almost certainly not an Exchange server

	return $null


Finding Duplicate IP Addresses and Duplicate Names in a DNS Zone

One of the traditional issues associated with cleaning up an Active Directory Directory Services (AD DS) domain in DNS is to ensure that duplicate names in DNS are removed (this is typically an issue caused by not having DNS Scavenging enabled, or by having hosts forcefully removed from the domain and not properly cleaning up DNS). As a corollary, this can also lead to duplication of manually assigned IP addresses, regardless of whether those IP addresses are IPv4 or IPv6.

Duplications can cause issues for many different servers and services, including AD DS, Exchange, SharePoint, etc.

I've written a PowerShell script that can help you determine the duplicates in order to clean those up. See the script below!

## ## build-dns-objects.ps1 ## ## ## Michael B. Smith ## michael (at) ## April, 2012 ## ## ## Primary functionality: ## ## Based on either an input file or the output of a default command: ## ## dnscmd ( $env:LogonServer ).SubString( 2 ) /enumrecords $env:UserDnsDomain "@" ## ## Create an array containing all of the DNS objects describing the input. ## ## ---- ## ## Secondary functionality: ## ## Find all the duplicate IP addresses and the duplicate names ## contained within either the file or the command output. ## ## By specifying the -skipRoot option, all records for the root of ## the domain are ignored. ## ## ## General record format returned by DNScmd.exe: ## ## name ## [aging:xxxxxxxx] ## TTL ## resource-record-type ## value ## [optional additional values] ## ## Fields may be separated by one-or-more spaces or one-or-more tabs ## [aging:xxxxxxxx] fields are optional ## Param( [string]$filename, [switch]$skipRoot ) function new-dns-object { return ( "" | Select Name, Aging, TTL, RRtype, Value ) } function tmpFileName { [string] $strFile = ( Join-Path $Env:Temp ( Get-Random ) ) + ".txt" if( ( Test-Path -Path $strFile -PathType Leaf ) ) { rm $strNetworkFile -EA 0 if( $? ) { ## write-output "...file was deleted" } else { ## write-output "...couldn't delete file, error: $($error[0].ToString())" } } return $strFile } if( $filename -and ( $filename.Length -gt 0 ) ) { $tmp = $filename } else { $tmp = tmpFileName dnscmd ( $env:LogonServer ).SubString( 2 ) /enumrecords $env:UserDnsDomain "@" >$tmp } $objects = @() $records = gc $tmp $script:zone = '' ## Primary functionality: foreach( $record in $records ) { ## write-output "Processing: $record" if( !$record ) { continue } if( $record -eq "Returned records:" ) { continue } if( $record -eq "Command completed successfully." ) { continue } $firstChar = $record.SubString( 0, 1 ) $record = $record.Trim() if( $record.Length -eq 0 ) { continue } $object = new-dns-object $index = 0 $record = $record.Replace( "`t", " " ) $array = $record.Split( ' ' ) if( ( $firstchar -eq " " ) -or ( $firstchar -eq "`t" ) ) { $object.Name = $script:Zone } else { $object.Name = $array[ 0 ] $script:Zone = $array[ 0 ] $index++ } if( ( $array[ $index ].Length –ge 3 ) –and ( $array[ $index ].SubString( 0, 3 ) –eq “[Ag” ) ) ## [Aging:3604987] { $object.Aging = $array[ $index ] $index++ } $object.TTL = $array[ $index ] $object.RRType = $array[ $index + 1 ] $object.Value = $array[ $index + 2 ] $objects += $object } ## Secondary functionality: ## There are more efficient ways to do this, but this is easy. ## search for duplicate names $hash = @{} foreach( $o in $objects ) { if( $o.RRtype -eq "A" ) { $name = $o.Name if( $skipRoot -and ( $name -eq "@" ) ) { continue } if( $hash.$name ) { "Duplicate name: $name, IP: $($o.Value), original IP: $($hash.$name)" } else { $hash.$name = $o.Value } } } $hash = $null ## search for duplicate IP addresses $hash = @{} foreach( $o in $objects ) { if( $o.RRtype -eq "A" ) { if( $skipRoot -and ( $o.Name -eq "@" ) ) { continue } $ip = $o.Value if( $hash.$ip ) { "Duplicate IP: $ip, name: $($o.Name), original name: $($hash.$ip)" } else { $hash.$ip = $o.Name } } } $hash = $null " " "Done"