Creating Explicit Credentials in PowerShell for WMI, Exchange, Lync, Remoting, etc.

When creating PowerShell cmdlets for any Microsoft technology – WMI, Exchange, Lync, etc. – it is common to need to provide credentials that are different from the default credentials. This can be even more important when you are using PowerShell remoting to connect to a remote computer.

However, using the built-in cmdlet Get-Credential causes a dialog box to be opened on the console! (And it will simply fail in some cases, when the internal PowerShell $host.UI.PromptForCredential interface has not been implemented.) This is certainly not something that you want to happen when your PowerShell script is being called with remote PowerShell or from a service, or in many other scenarios.

The solution is to pass in the full credential, already containing the secure password and the user names and (optionally) the domain or a user principal name. This is a bit challenging, as the constructor for a secure string doesn’t provide you an option for passing in an entire password. Therefore, you must build the secure string one character at a time.

The two functions below make the process easy.

Note: the $username parameter to newPSCredential can be in several formats: a plain username, a domain\username, or, or computername\username (for a local user).

Note 2: some functions want a NetworkCredential instead of a PSCredential. Creating one of those is as simple as changing System.Management.Automation.PSCredential to System.Net.NetworkCredential.

Note 3: as a security best practice, after you call the newPSCredential function, you should ensure that the plain text password is no longer available in the calling routine.


function newSecurePassword( [string]$password )
        ### newSecurePassword
        ### Take the normal string password provided and turn it into a 
        ### secure string that can be used to set credentials.

        $secure = new-object System.Security.SecureString

        $password.ToCharArray() |% { $secure.AppendChar( $_ ) }

        return $secure

function newPSCredential( [string]$username, [string]$password )
	### newPSCredential
	### Create a new PSCredential object containing the provided
	### username and plain-text password.
        $pass = newSecurePassword $password

        $cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( $username, $pass )



Until next time…

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